United Nations Association
of the United States of America
Wake County, North Carolina
As the nation’s largest grassroots foreign policy organization and the leading center of policy research on global issues, UNA-USA offers Americans the opportunity to connect with issues from peace-keeping and peace-making, global health and human rights, to equitable development and international justice.
The Wake County UNA Chapter, an affiliate organization of the national United Nations Association-USA, works for peace and justice by supporting the work and the ideals of the United Nations.
UN Day Dinner in Partnership with WomenNC
United Nations Day 2024
Empowering Voices: Celebrating 79 Years of the UN and Youth Leadership
Join us for an inspiring evening as the United Nations Association of Wake County and WomenNC come together to celebrate the 79th anniversary of the United Nations and the resurgence of WomenNC’s flagship Youth Leadership Local to Global program. This event will highlight the vital role of the United Nations and empowering the next generation of leaders who are shaping a better future for our communities, our state, and the world.
Date: October 24, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Venue: Pullen Memorial Baptist Church, 1801 Hillsborough St, Raleigh, NC 27605
Our Keynote speaker will be the honorable Wake County Congresswoman, Deborah Ross. In addition, Robert Lamb, a current member of our UNA-Wake Board of Directors and a former Chapter President, will also speak briefly about the United Nations and the UNA.
This event is open to the public, featuring UNA Wake leaders, local elected officials, local universities and colleges, community leaders, and youth advocates.
Join us for a reception and for meaningful and crucial conversation ahead of the 2024 election while enjoying a vibrant evening full of inspiration and fun.
To register to attend, or to become an event sponsor, please go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/empowering-voices-celebrating-79-years-of-the-un-and-youth-leadership-tickets-984086267517.
However, if you are a student and would like to attend, UNA-Wake will subsidize your ticket. Instead of registering with Eventbrite, please contact our UNA-Wake Chapter President, Dr. Michael J. Struett, at mjstruet@ncsu.edu with your name and your school or university affiliation.

UNITED NATIONS DAY 2023: The UN in Times of Conflict and Crises
As the United Nations celebrates its 78th anniversary this month and the United Nations Association of the USA celebrates the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), we sadly note that armed conflicts and human rights violations, and the threat of more conflicts arising around the world, dominate today’s news.
With wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, it is easy to wonder whether or not the United Nations really makes a difference. Our expert panel will reflect on the role of the UN in supporting peace processes that have ended historical conflicts, promoting Universal respect for human rights as a basis for peace, and the role of non governmental organizations at the UN in addressing the underlying causes of conflict.
The round table will be led by Wake UNA board members with general discussion encouraged.
Our UN Day Dinner event will be $20 each for regular members, and current students can attend for free. The dinner menu includes lemon rosemary chicken or top round of beef, salad, and dessert.
Please register now for the event – November 2, from 6 to 9 PM at the NC State University Club: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/united-nations-day-the-un-in-times-of-conflict-and-crises-registration-743652583897
2022 UN Day Celebration
We celebrate UN Day last year with food, social activities, and a keynote speaker from Rise Against Hunger, award-winning activist Edna Ogwangi who has 25+ years experience in international development. Our UN Day event was a social and dinner at the NC State University Club on October 25.

2020 UN Day Celebration:
We celebrated United Nations Day 2021 with an online event with George Sibley, U.S. Mid-Atlantic Diplomat In Residence, who gave a keynote address on “Myanmar’s Past, Present and Future”

Mark your calendars for the of UNA-Wake Chapter speaker series
The United Nations’ efforts to maintain world peace are twofold: to provide a forum to resolve conflicts, and to eradicate the causes of conflicts. The latter is embodied in its seventeen Sustainable Development Goals which implore all
nations to work together to eliminate poverty and hunger, to provide quality education and decent work, to protect our natural environment, and in general to create a world in which a satisfying life can be had by all.
In the following months the Wake County Chapter of UNA will present programs that highlight work ongoing here in the Triangle that has direct relevance to the SDGs. Until further notice, the programs will be presented virtually.
SDG #13, Climate Action.
We will have our virtual seminar on May 20, 2021 at 12 noon on “Cyclones, Droughts and other Climate Shocks: the influence of climate change on high-impact weather systems in North Carolina and worldwide.” Our speaker will be Dr. Gary Lackmann, Professor, NC State University Department of Marine Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. To register for this event, please RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/climate-action-climate-change-influences-on-high-impact-weather-systems-tickets-151244190445.
SDG #4, Education.
UNA-Wake launched its new speaker series with an inside view of the PBS North Carolina Children’s Media and Education team’s work to deliver quality children’s programming to kids in each of North Carolina’s 100 counties – and why that is important for at-risk learners in a global pandemic. You can view their excellent presentation on our YouTube channel, see programming online at Rootle 24/7 PBS KIDS, or find resources for parents at PBS.org/parents.
UNA Wake is a proud supporter of WomenNC

Thank you to everyone who attended our online UN Day celebration featuring a presentation by our national Executive Director, Rachel Bowen Pittman, on “UN75: American Voices.” To view the video recording of our UN Day celebration, please go to: https://www.facebook.com/116894871662686/videos/420119462456721.
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What’s Happening
United Nations Day
The big event of the year is the UN Dinner, featuring international cuisine and a provocative speaker, held each year on or around United Nations Day in October.
International Festival of Raleigh
In recent years, the International Festival of Raleigh has provided the most prominent platform for UNA USA Wake to interact with the public and spread the word about our organization.
We help WomenNC to educate the public about its mission for justice by hosting speakers (particularly its student fellows) from the organization to present at chapter meetings.

Join Us.
Sign up to become a member today so you don’t miss out on ongoing opportunities to make a change in the world.
Select ‘NC – Wake County’ from the chapter drop-down list.